Yep, it's been two months, and those last two eps of Bridezillas are still sitting unwatched on my DVR right now. Happily there has been some movement on wedding stuff in other respects.
Last weekend, I dragged Kyle and my mom to to the Columbus Bride expo. They were there for the cake samples (oh, and Kyle was really excited when he discovered the meatballs and barbeque, too), while I was there to figure out just how much this whole getting married business was going to cost us, to try and see if I could find any pretty dresses, vegetarian friendly caterers and inexpensive group transportation to our reception site, since the parking situation there pretty much blows. Oh, and I wanted to get there in time for the fashion show that would surely torture Kyle.
For the most part, it was a bit of a bust. The veggie options are there, catering-wise, but they are slim, and I haven't found any standout caterers. There was only one transportation company represented, and given the cost of renting a bus through them, it is almost as cheap just to pay for everyone to park in a nearby garage. Which is not that cheap. So, yeah, we still have to figure that one out. [Oh, crap, and I just saw that the freaking Buckeyes are playing at home on our wedding day. I should get on making our transport and housing reservations ASAP. Damn stupid college town.] Mostly, Kyle and my mom wandered down through the aisles of the convention, snatching up samples of cake, while I spent a goodly portion of my time ducking and covering myself from the various jewelry, stationary, honeymoon and condominium sales people making their pitches while simultaneously doing my best to attempt to avoid any sort of contact with the dead-eyed, tux-wearing deejays who slowly shook their hips to the one-hit wonders blasting from their respective booths.
The fashion show proved to be all I thought it would be -- and more, as it lasted nearly two hours, torturing not just Kyle, but me and my mom, too. Still, it was fairly entertaining, at least for the first 60 minutes. The emcee wore a dress that had the sartorial splendor of a disco ball, and the spectacle included dry ice, faux snow and fake trees, not to mention lei-wearing models and a backdrop of oversized, tiki-style heads. Good times. My favorite -- I mean, "favorite" -- dress was this one, which looked to me as if it was made of crumpled pink foil. [See above.] I must find one in my size.
Anyhoodle, the expo was, at the very least, good at giving me a sense of how much services we need to get -- food, photography, drinks, etc. -- cost around here. They are, as I sadly expected, decidedly un-unexpensive. But it did help cement our decision on who we want as our wedding photographer. She is awesome, but in my ever-present fear of jinxing my plans, I will retrain from linking to her until we sign our contract. But still: YAYEE!!
So, we have that nearly done and so much more to come. I'll keep ya posted.
Yay! Exciting!
Truth be told, I hated the bridal shows here too. I really liked the one I went to in D.C., though, because it was huge...like took up a whole arena on multiple floors huge. Plus we won several door prizes.
That does suck about the home game, though. I had several people who I am quite sure would not have come to our wedding had it been on a game day. It is ridiculous.
Can't wait to hear who the photog is!
I've never been married but that won't stop me from recommending this site: www.offbeatbride.com it's run by a woman in Seattle and showcases cool weddings from all over. Have you heard of it?
Oh, yeah, I actually have that site linked here (under "fuck taffeta," which, admittedly, is confusing). It is awesome, and I got really excited when I saw that she had been married on/is from Bainbridge Island, since that place had achieved a mythical status to me thanks to Dan and others. My sister got me her book for Christmas, and I'm really excited to read it.
Ooooh, Mandy, what did you win? I kept hoping we would get something good, but no dice. Booo.
As to the football thing, it's not so much that I'm worried about people not coming because of the game so much as I'm concerned about what game day-traffic and crowds and such will do in regards to reserving hotel rooms, getting transportation, catering, etc. At least it's only O.U., so it shouldn't be too crazy, but still. :p
Actually, now that I know it's on a game day, I'm not coming.
No, I think this is your chance to merge your love of OU and your love of me into one spectacular day! Gooooo Bobcats!
Um...I thought you said you'd keep us posted?
I know, I know. Life=work=suck right now. I'll be back soon.
Update, dammit.
Do you have a dress? Invitations? Are you having certain colors as a theme? Are you going to have any flowers? What kind of cake are you having? How are the transportation/hotel arrangements going?
Feed me wedding morsels!!!
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