Friday, June 29, 2007

The yelling in my head is unstoppable

I just spent the last hour registering on and looking via The Internets at various wedding/reception/future crime scene sites. Mostly, it's been a lot of The Jenny In My Head Who Is A Cheap Bastard (Or TJIMHWIACB, for short) screaming as loud as she can, WHAAAT? You expect me to pay how much for a two-hour site rental??? I have never spent so much as $100 for a party, and now the wedding industrial complex would have me pay around $28,000 for the one-day event. Sure, that's an amount that would make your average My Super Sweet 16-er rage about how cruel and penny-pinching her parents are, but given that I think my parents never ponied up more than, say $75 for a skating party when I was in the second grade, the thought of spending three figures on a party, never mind four, just blows the ol' noggin.

Of course, it doesn't help that I'm all hopped up on Diet -- excuse me, Sugarfree -- Red Bull and am procrastinating doing work.

Sigh ... it is times like this that imagining myself getting hitched by a greasy-haired, stubbly chested Elvis impersonator sounds not just tempting, but downright reasonable.


pinkmydear said...

Jenny, congrats! I'm one of those people who looks at their friends' friends' blogs (I also Google people I went to grade school with...). Plus, I really enjoyed your travel blog from Japan.

If you should find yourself in need of: free wedding-related tips/advice, some free bridal porn (wedding books, wedding magazines), or catering advice, I would be glad to share. Rob and I (1 yr on August 5th) did our entire wedding (from ring to honeymoon), with about 150 guests, for about $5k. Not too shabby, I say. Also, check out Indiebride (if you haven't already).


Jaydubs said...

Hey, thanks! I had no idea that anyone who wasn't genetically related to me was reading it! (Oh, and I totally do the googling thing, too -- it makes me feel a bit stalkerish, but has yielded some interesting results.)

Anyway, yeah, I am totally down for exploiting your offers of help! I think you two pretty much hit it where I want to be, both budget and size-wise. I've picked up a couple copies of Martha Stewart Weddings (I am a sucker for all her crafty stuff), but have otherwise just pretty much looked at stuff on Indiebride and, so I could use as much good advice as possible. Maybe we can figure out grabbing a cup of something caffeinated/alcoholinated (I know, not a word, but it should be!) and chatting?

Also: I checked out your blog -- you should post more, lady! (A statement which I know is very pot 'n' kettle, but still ...)

Also also: congrats on your upcoming one-year anniversary!